miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Harry Potter and the half blood of prince

Título del libro: 
Harry Potter and the half blood of prince
J.K. Rowling
Breve comentario: 
The story is about one boy who lives with his uncle and aunt in London. He was a wizard and he went to a magic school "Howarts". In that school he learnt magic and he has to fight with "Voldemort", an evil wizard, who killed his parents. Harry Potter (the boy) found a book and he didn't know whose it was. This book was a text book about "darks arts". Finally he discovered whose the book was and he fought with the autor's book, because the autor was the evil, friend of "Voldemort".
Recomendado por:
Ofelia Bardález Pérez
Curso: 1º Eso B

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